Monday, February 18, 2008

back again witn new news

Back again ....yeah shame less right. after so long and loud proclamations of not being a blogger I believe that i am coming around after reading a lot of blogs.

This has put a lot of things into prespective and at the same time as time has passed (not much ...only close to a year) but certainly increased my maturity level since i am now father of two girls. wow imagine that......

my second one was born on october 07 and since been having sleep less nights. exactly at 2 am in the morning she wakes up like a previously set alarm clock. then it becomes a chorus when the first one also wakes up from the sleep and decides to join in.

i am thinking to change the name and idea behind the blog - may be - altogethter. may be this can be a passing mood as well. human nature what else can i say. one moment some thing interests you next moment thats gone. then some thing entirely new comes over.

this by far has been i believe the largest rant i have had in my blog.

i will stop in this case, in future i would love to write more and am saving my words for a better day.